“Will only Lutherans be in Heaven? Of course not!” In a culture of denominations and non-denominations, the Lutheran Church may appear to be the one among many Bible based churches to choose from other than the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches that appear to many to be simply a ritualistic church based on works and fancy robes that the pastor wears or is sometimes termed as “smells and bells.” This class will serve as a basic introduction to the history of the Christian Church starting with the New Testament to the establishment of the Lutheran  Church. After the founding of the Lutheran Church, we will discuss the numerous break off denominations and non-denominational churches. But also, we will talk about what happened to the various movements of Christianity in the American frontier and why so many groups became reactionary to anything Roman Catholic and their only claim is the Bible while divorcing themselves from the historical roots of Christianity regarding practice, the creeds and biblical teachings of the historical Church. You are welcomed to attend, offer challenging and constructive questions and comments and enjoy the conversation. What is required for this course? I encourage a Bible, a dedicated notebook, and a text called, “The Augsburg Confession, The Concordia Reader’s Edition (CPH). The class starts this Thursday, February 22, 6-7:10 pm in Mission Hall, and also available by Zoom - Pastor Dreyer (Curate).”


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